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Why Mars Could Be Our Next Home

Mars could be our next home. It’s not as crazy as it sounds. We know that Mars has water, and water can support life, so if we find it on Mars, we’ll know that life can also live there.

Is there water on Mars?

The presence of water on Earth is what enabled life to emerge and thrive. And if there's any chance that life might exist beyond our planet, we've got a compelling reason to want to study places like Mars. That's why some scientists think that finding water on Mars is one of our top priorities when it comes to space exploration. If there's liquid water on Mars, it could be an inviting destination for human colonization—or, at least, future tourism (the radiation problem isn't going away). While we have yet to detect any definitive proof of water on Mars's surface today, a liquid ocean covered most of its northern hemisphere billions of years ago—and who knows what might be frozen just below its rusty red surface? Scientists are trying to find out with missions like NASA's InSight lander, which will be set down in November 2018. . But even if Mars turns out to be dry, it still holds promise as a place where humans can live. Its gravity is about 40 per cent as strong as Earth's, meaning that you'd weigh only 40 per cent as much on Mars as you do here. This lower gravity would make living and work in space easier; less muscle strength would be required to move around or perform tasks. Lower gravity would also mean less stress on bones and joints; astronauts living on Mars wouldn't have to worry about osteoporosis or other bone-weakening conditions associated with weightlessness here on Earth.

Can We Make It Happen?

The Red Planet isn’t a viable planet for colonization, yet. But technology is catching up to our dreams. One day, we might be able to visit Mars and never leave. The question is: could humans live on Mars? It’s too early to say, but what we do know is that Earth won’t last forever. Eventually, our home will perish and it won’t be long before people start searching for another place to call home (hey—we’re here!). For now, space tourism can only exist in science fiction books or movies—but it seems like our future could be in outer space. And if that's true... we're better than Mars? A planet with a climate similar to Earth and abundant water. Plus, there are no hurricanes or earthquakes. What more could you ask for? NASA says we have about 20 years until Earth becomes uninhabitable and then it’ll take at least six months to get there from here. So maybe not so far off after all! If you want to learn more about why Mars could be our next home, check out NASA’s website.

Where would we live on Mars?

The most obvious answer is to build new habitats on Mars. We could either create new habitats from scratch or transport existing ones from Earth (much like Elon Musk’s vision for terraforming). Though it may sound like a Herculean task, we have the technology today to make it happen. For example, Bigelow Aerospace has already sent its first inflatable habitat to space and plans on sending an even larger one by 2020. Inflatable habitats are much lighter than traditional metal structures, which means they can be transported more easily into space—and potentially onto Mars. However, if we want to live permanently on Mars, we’ll need far more than just a few habs—we'll need entire cities! That's why SpaceX has been working on creating reusable rockets to drastically reduce launch costs. With reusable rockets and inflatable habitats, humanity will be able to colonize Mars within our lifetime!

What do you think about settling on Mars?

As our closest neighbour in space, it would make sense for us to set up a colony on Mars. It is an ideal planet to do so because of its similarities to Earth and its proximity. There are many reasons why it would be beneficial to move from Earth to Mars. Here are three reasons why: As our closest neighbour in space, it would make sense for us to set up a colony on Mars. It is an ideal planet to do so because of its similarities to Earth and its proximity. There are many reasons why it would be beneficial to move from Earth to Mars. Here are three reasons why 1) The climate is similar to that of Earth's 2) There are no natural disasters 3) There is water on Mars So if you're wondering why we should move to Mars, here's your answer!

A few years ago SpaceX unveiled its plans for colonizing mars by 2024. Elon Musk believes that with current technology it will take about 80-200 people per trip. He also thinks that we could have at least one million people living on Mars within 50 years. This may sound like a crazy idea but it isn't impossible considering that NASA has recently discovered liquid water under mars' surface which means life could exist there! So if you're wondering why we should move to Mars, here's your answer!

A few years ago SpaceX unveiled its plans for colonizing mars by 2024. Elon Musk believes that with current technology it will take about 80-200 people per trip. He also thinks that we could have at least one million people living on Mars within 50 years. This may sound like a crazy idea but it isn't impossible considering that NASA has recently discovered liquid water under mars' surface which means life could exist there! So if you're wondering why we should move to Mars, here's your answer!

A few years ago SpaceX unveiled its plans for colonizing mars by 2024. Elon Musk believes that with current technology it will take about 80-200 people per trip. Let us know what you think?

Why do we need Mars for a new home?

There are several reasons why we need to establish a colony on Mars right now. The first reason is economics: If we don’t colonize another planet, then our species is doomed to eventually disappear in an unfortunate event called The Great Filter. Second, Colonizing Mars is part of our biological imperative as a species; it is what makes us different from other animals. We have evolved over millions of years to explore and settle new places. We have done so on Earth, and will continue to do so into space. Third, there is no better place for humanity than Mars. We can live there without having to worry about too much radiation or toxic gases like on Venus or Jupiter’s moon Io. It has water ice at its poles that can be easily melted and turned into breathable air for humans (and plants). It has soil which we can use for growing food crops and even building houses with bricks made out of dirt! Fourth, there is nothing more inspiring than space exploration itself! Space exploration brings out the best in humanity by pushing us further technologically and intellectually than any other field. And finally, Mars is just cool! With all those red rocks and dusty sand dunes - not to mention Olympus Mons, one of the largest volcanoes in our solar system - who wouldn't want to go? Who wouldn't want to see what's on Mars? Wouldn't you want your children and grandchildren to see it someday? I know I would. So let's start planning how we're going to get there. What technologies we'll need to develop. How long the journey will take. What kind of habitat we'll live in once we arrive... Let's start dreaming big again, because if Elon Musk says he wants to put people on Mars within 10-20 years, then I believe him! He is currently developing his SpaceX rockets that could help make that happen. He also said he wants people living on Mars within 40-100 years, but only if things go according to plan... But regardless of whether Elon Musk achieves his goals or not, surely every human being deserves a chance at life beyond Earth - after all, life is precious and shouldn't be wasted away while sitting idle doing nothing.


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