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Is There Any Evidence of Aliens Out There?

Updated: Jun 28, 2022

There’s no denying that the universe can be an incredibly vast place, and with so many stars and galaxies out there, it’s hard to believe that we could be the only intelligent life forms inhabiting the universe. However, what are the odds that there are aliens out there? Could we ever actually find evidence of them? And if so, how would we know what it was? These are all questions I’ll be addressing in this article about whether or not aliens exist in space.

Are Aliens Real?

It’s a question that’s been asked by millions and millions. Are we alone in space? Is there life outside of our own planet Earth or is everything in existence simply an extension of our solar system? Finding concrete evidence for these theories will take time, but with today’s technological advancements, it’s only a matter of time before we uncover answers to these questions. Until then, here are some interesting facts about space aliens you may not have known.

According to NASA, 97% of all credible sightings of UFOs can be explained as other phenomena such as weather balloons or birds misidentified as extraterrestrial beings. Even if most sightings can be proven false, though, we can still make guesses based on what could account for that remaining 3 %. One popular explanation is Occam's razor—which suggests that if something seems unlikely, there’s usually another answer right under your nose. In terms of unexplained UFO sightings, it could be that they aren't actually aliens at all—but rather meteorites entering Earth's atmosphere. Before dismissing UFO sightings outright though, many experts would like to study them further since they may provide invaluable information about how gravity affects particles at high altitudes—information which might help us solve complex scientific problems one day!

Are Aliens Out There (How Many)?

Hundreds of billions. Astronomers have estimated that there are between 200 billion and 400 billion planets in our galaxy alone. This is a large number to be sure, but it’s smaller than many think—the Milky Way is 100,000 light-years across, meaning there are only about 1 trillion stars, which means there aren’t enough stars to go around if we imagine aliens exist on all of them. However, these estimates also include planets that don’t support life as we know it. In addition, some astronomers estimate that at least one out of every five sun-like stars has an Earth-sized planet orbiting within its habitable zone. That would mean there could be 8.8 billion potentially habitable worlds just in our own galaxy! A universe is a big place; with hundreds of billions of galaxies out there, it’s likely you aren't alone after all!

Are We Alone in the Universe?

If you ask most people whether there are aliens in outer space, they’ll tell you yes. But if you were to ask Are we alone in the universe? many scientists would answer with a hesitant maybe. It all depends on what your definition of alien is. Either way, there are a lot of people—both scientists and laypeople—who believe that life exists beyond Earth. And for those who believe in extraterrestrial life, it’s not an unreasonable assumption. The Milky Way galaxy alone has an estimated 100 billion planets, meaning there could be plenty of places where life has formed and evolved over time. So why haven’t we found any evidence yet? Scientists have been struggling to answer this question for years. They have come up with some explanations today, more than half a century after physicists first proposed them, dark matter particles remain elusive. In fact, no one knows for sure what these hypothetical particles look like or how they behave—or even if they exist at all.

Alien Life May Exist on Other Planets, Says, Scientists

Scientists have identified a new Earth-like planet that is believed to have all of the necessary ingredients for life, except one. Gliese 581g is believed to be located in an orbit between 20 and 40 light-years away from Earth and it orbits a Red Dwarf star. Scientists believe that planets like these could have been created by collisions between larger planets or may have formed around failed stars known as brown dwarfs. If there are other planets out there with similar conditions as our own then alien life may exist on other planets. However, some scientists say that if there is alien life out there then we will not be able to communicate with them because they would most likely use different wavelengths of communication than us.

How Do Aliens See Us as a Planet and a Species?

With all of our interplanetary space travel, it’s not far-fetched to believe that we’ve been discovered by other planets. And if they are watching us, how do they see us? Are we a planet full of violence and chaos, or is there something more to humanity than meets the eye? We think so. Here’s why: Although aliens may be curious about our presence in their cosmic neighbourhood, we hope they would look at us as one of many potential civilizations. One day, as we grow up in outer space, maybe they will too.

There are no doubt plenty of civilizations out there with advanced technology—we wouldn’t be surprised if some have already travelled through interstellar space to meet with each other. But what makes us different from them is that we’re on a journey of self-discovery, and we want to find our place in outer space. We think that will make all the difference when it comes time for us to make first contact with aliens.

We want aliens to know that Earth is home to a species capable of making important decisions about its future and its place in a changing universe, despite being plagued by conflicts over resources and ideologies.

What Kinds of Alien Lifeforms Can We Expect To Find In Space?

Just like here on Earth, there are different kinds of alien lifeforms in space. Some aliens live inside gas giants, some are ocean dwellers, and some are even made out of pure energy. Still, others are made up entirely of rock. What might these various alien lifeforms look like? We’ll have to wait until we start exploring further into our solar system and beyond to find out...but there’s no doubt that they’re probably fascinating. Check out some of our favourite theories about what aliens could be:

A Bunch Of Alien Life Theories In One Infographic: If you thought all the theories about alien life were confusing, take a look at an infographic from SciShow Space. It takes several major theories about extraterrestrial beings and puts them all together for easy reference. Which theory do you think is most likely to be true? We’ll have to wait until we start exploring further into our solar system and beyond to find out...but there’s no doubt that they’re probably fascinating. Check out some of our favourite theories about what aliens could be:

A Bunch Of Alien Life Theories In One Infographic: If you thought all the theories about alien life were confusing, take a look at an infographic from SciShow Space.

Have Alien Visits Happened Before in History?

Though there’s no concrete evidence to prove it, many people are convinced that aliens have visited Earth before—and that if they hadn’t left us clues, we’d never know. Ancient hieroglyphics from Mexico and Peru depict what some interpret as ancient astronauts: strange-looking humanoid creatures with oversized heads, narrow eyes, and large dark circles on their bodies (both figuratively and literally). In addition, an object found in 1898 in Chaco Canyon, New Mexico is thought by some to be a spacecraft. It has been carbon-dated back more than 900 years and is believed by some to be a flying machine used by ancient Native Americans or even extraterrestrials. The object is called The Antikythera Mechanism and was discovered at a depth of 40 feet off the coast of Greece. The device was originally housed inside a wooden box that contained numerous hand-cut bronze gears which were used to track celestial events. Scientists estimate that it took 2,000 hours for someone to create this device using nothing but stone tools! How did our ancestors do it? Even Albert Einstein said I want to believe that civilizations like ours can exist beyond Earth...but all my observations lead me to believe otherwise. So far, though, he hasn’t seen any convincing evidence either way.


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